Hudson's Bay de Winnipeg

CanadaHudson's Bay



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1485, Portage Avenue, R3G 0W4, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 204-975-3228
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.885413, Longitude: -97.199006

commentaires 5

  • en

    Canaan Lowe


    Always a great selection of fragrances. problem being they charge far to much for stuff. the markup is simply outrageous!

  • M. O. Tareq

    M. O. Tareq


    Very organized and clean store. They have huge congratulations and new items every year.

  • Sarah Joy Ramos

    Sarah Joy Ramos


    Biggest department store in town. Has a lot of things to shop but a little pricey. Loved their signature colour and team canada souvenirs.

  • Louis Che

    Louis Che


    The old lady named ‘kxxx’ that sells watches is SUPER RUDE, she grabbed my phone from my hand when I tried to ask her about the digital discount code on my phone, and she yelled at me saying she can’t scan the code. I used to like Hudson Bay but not anymore. Hope whoever’s in charge can fire that old bich or you will end up like Sears

  • Jillian Pearce

    Jillian Pearce


    Had a poor experience at the optical Center in the bay at polo park. First, saw a pair of frames that I loved and was told by the women that they were only there for one day and they wouldn’t be back in store until February. Sure enough 2 weeks later the same frames happened to be there and a different women said that those frames are always in store and they have a ton more of them in stock. So I bought the frames, they said it would be roughly 2 weeks and they would call me as soon as they were in with the lenses. Waited 3 weeks and no call so I popped in there one day to ask if they had come in. They had come in and they said they called me - when in fact they called my mothers number which was on the insurance form and not my number and didn’t leave a message. I was annoyed they hadn’t left a message but happy to have my glasses, but 2 days after wearing the glasses I notice that on the right frame, the lens is half sticking out of the frame and can’t be pushed back in, and this was not from dropping the glasses or anything I just hadn’t noticed it when I originally picked up the glasses.

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