Industry Room Liquor Store de Ottawa

CanadaIndustry Room Liquor Store


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128, York Street, K1N 1K8, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-241-6827
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4292012, Longitude: -75.6895594

commentaires 5

  • en

    Francesco D'Alessio



  • en



    Worst bar in the Byward Market. Go here if you want to see the worst parts of a school town manifest in a single venue.

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    Hanaan Abbasi


    They will definitely lose your coat

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    Teegan Gladu


    Worst experience ive ever had at a nightclub.

  • Paul Grant

    Paul Grant


    If you're ready to lose your coat, this is the place to go. Good enviromment for 20 year Olds, however when leaving, you'll feel like you're in a mosh pit trying to get your coat from coat check. And don't mind that, when you finally get to the front of the line, they'll tell you your coat isn't there and move on to the next person. Two weeks in a row my girlfriend has lost a jacket here. I will certainly not come back again. I strongly don't recommend this place.

Magasin d'alcool la plus proche

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