Wine Rack de Ottawa

CanadaWine Rack



🕗 horaire

797, Bank Street, K1S 3V7, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-234-1742
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.402861, Longitude: -75.68812

commentaires 5

  • en

    Y.Z. V.C.


    A very nice and pleasant please. The staff is very welcoming can professional. you feel comfortable shopping there.

  • Aksana Korziuk

    Aksana Korziuk


    Nice modern design. Very good specialty coffee. Friendly staff, nice crowd, good ambiance. No wi-fi.

  • Kimberly Lauzon

    Kimberly Lauzon


    The staff here is great. The really know their stuff and they always make my day!

  • en

    Cara McGreal


    Amazing staff. I've been going here for years and the staff have gotten to know my tastes and always have suggestions that I end up loving. Super relaxed place, never have to wait either.

  • Francisco Alvarez

    Francisco Alvarez


    Great selection of Canadian and mixed Canadian wines and coolers. Always free taste testings which is nice if you have not tried a variety before. Best of all they are opened later then the LCBO and Beer Store.

Magasin d'alcool la plus proche

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