Beer Store de Ottawa

CanadaBeer Store



🕗 horaire

7, Selkirk Street, K1L 6N1, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 613-745-3607
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4321372, Longitude: -75.6692925

commentaires 5

  • Anna Doxey

    Anna Doxey


    Nice staff and was pretty quick there

  • Enver Pletilic

    Enver Pletilic


    awesome service. all the lads are top notch. some sketchy individuals sometimes but it's Vanier. expect that. 👌 returns are generally smooth and fast.

  • en

    Gary O'Neil


    Nice place, very friendly staff.Returning empty beer cans,wine and liquor bottles is easy any reasonably fast.

  • Nightshawks1



    They put the G in ghetto. 2 persons ready to pension off who trained the others to serve patrons in the same way by making them wait while known junkies and local drunks get the Royal treatment

  • Pierre Jessop

    Pierre Jessop


    Service was good. No frills. I expected display of products but the place is small and it seems it's not the way things are done. Order is taken by the cashier, they retrieve it in the warehouse and you pay. That's about it.

Magasin d'alcool la plus proche

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