Wine Rack de Ottawa

CanadaWine Rack



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296, Bank Street, K2P 0M7, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 613-569-6243
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4151387, Longitude: -75.696533

commentaires 5

  • Francis Hodgson

    Francis Hodgson


    Great location and awesome staff. The manager Debra is amazing and fun. Free samples, great conversation, and great wine. What more could you want?

  • Sammy Levine

    Sammy Levine


    Open till 11 with decent pricing what more could you ask for as far as convenience goes this location is all right it’s just after the cash registers in independent grocers so after you’re done your shopping you can hit the wine rack. Typical Ontario selection usually offers samples.

  • Charles Clark

    Charles Clark


    Knowledgeable and helpful staff. Good selection of quality Ontario wines for such a small outlet, which is what I'd hoped to find. This was my first visit to a Wine Rack outlet.

  • Donald Keddy

    Donald Keddy


    Great for last minute purchases or grabbing a bottle to pair with dinner. Helpful staff.

  • Jaime Farfan

    Jaime Farfan


    It's a Wine Rack. If you've never been, you gotta check them out. ANY Wine Rack location is amazing. They are usually pet friendly and have treats for our four-legged friends, as well as well-informed sommeliers. Taste station is always set up to help expand your palate.

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