i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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65, Sparks Street, K1P 5A5, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-276-5968
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4233357, Longitude: -75.6967169

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sylvie Larivee


    Brought my daughters bike that we bought 5 years ago and the gears where no longer working and the brakes making noise. I brought it to Retro-Rides and they did an excellent job tuning it up and putting it back to a new bike. My daughter is so happy and says that it rides better now then when we first bought it. Thank you Jason at Retro-Rides for a fantastic job.. I recommend this store 100% great people and great service.

  • Jim Sproull

    Jim Sproull


    These guys are great. Very knowledgeable and friendly. Won't rip you off and do a great job!

  • en

    Caitlin Crockard


    Excellent, friendly service for a very good price. I hadn’t treated my bike so well over the winter and not only was it tuned up the same day I brought it in, but they went out of their way to avoid replacing parts where they could — like salvaging my very rusty chain — thus saving me money. I really appreciate it. Plus everything going on with my bike was explained in a thorough, easy-to-understand yet completely non-condescending way (which should be the norm anyway, but as a woman talking to a male mechanic, that hasn’t always been my experience in other shops). Highly recommend this place.

  • Trystan Glynn-Morris

    Trystan Glynn-Morris


    I had an outstanding experience with these guys on Friday and thought it was important to write a review. I was on my winter bike commuting in to work Friday, and the bottom bracket packed it in along with part of the crank. I brought in the bike mid-morning, and by the end of the day they had replaced the bottom bracket, made a couple of other pre-agreed fixes and cleaned up the bike ready for my ride home that evening - all for a very fair price. We are really lucky to have this shop downtown, I highly recommend!

  • Casey Comeau

    Casey Comeau


    Fun store with a great selection of vintage bikes. Jason and other staff provide great service and expertise. If they don't have what you want, they can often find it or build it for you. I like all the pretty bicycles.

nærmeste Cykel butik

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