Picture Plus Ottawa i Ottawa

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CanadaPicture Plus Ottawa



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179, George Street, K1N 1J8, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-241-9470
internet side: www.pictureplus.ca
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.428885, Longitude: -75.6880487

kommentar 5

  • Trish Rossiter

    Trish Rossiter


    I appreciated the consultation time with the team and the fantastic framing on my glass on glass mosaics ! Will be back soon. Thanks Trish Rossiter Meraki Mosaics

  • en

    Nicole Schenk


    Both the quality and customer service at Picture Plus far exceeded my expectations. There is no comparison to the leading national chain. I will definitely be back for all my printing needs.

  • en

    taylor d


    Visiting from Toronto and needed a poster framed by the end of the day. We popped into Picture Plus on a whim, and they got the job done within an hour (and for a reasonable price) Staff was also super friendly! Do reccomend.

  • en

    a x


    Friendly, rapid service, with an excellent quality! I brought few metal frames to be reduced in size. The service was done promptly for a reasonable price. Highly recommend this frame shop.

  • en

    Palden McLennan


    Excellent, friendly service with very competitive prices, and none of the snobbish attitude I have encountered at numerous framing stores over the years. Fast and efficient as well - I brought a poster in to be dry mounted and framed, and had it hanging on my living room wall the next day. Highly recommended!

nærmeste Cykel butik

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