re-Cycles i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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473, Bronson Avenue, K1R 5R2, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1
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Latitude: 45.407662, Longitude: -75.703256

kommentar 5

  • Florence Sofiá

    Florence Sofiá


    Horrible service - what kind of establishment is closed 3 days a week?! The only people who can actually visit this store (at 1 PM on a Monday afternoon) are bourgeoise folks who don't have to work. Discriminatory environment - avoid.

  • Tia vom Scheidt

    Tia vom Scheidt


    Fantastic and down to earth folks who know their stuff! Found an amazing bike in great quality here last summer and couldn't be happier with the service I received. I've been recommending this place to everyone!

  • Rene Leonardo Rabeya Cuartas

    Rene Leonardo Rabeya Cuartas


    Wonderful place. Wonderful service

  • Mar Khorkhordina

    Mar Khorkhordina


    Kind, patient, learning-oriented, and genuinely wonderful people! This is the place to go for any kind of bike problem you have. Helped me learn to assemble my front wheel of my bike after it got stolen- all for only $20! It's worth not only the price but the knowledge and hands-on experience and super-friendly atmosphere. A community gem!

  • en

    sebastien charette


    Awesome. I love this place. All these recycled parts to choose frome makes me excited. Im the type of guy that likes to give end of life items a new meaning and this place is a gold mine. Sure in busy season the ("special") parts are scarce and far in between but always a good selection of used parts for DIRT CHEAP. And the service is very good. These guys are not after your money they are truly passionate and caring people.

nærmeste Cykel butik

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