RentABike i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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2, Rideau Street, K1N 8X5, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-241-4140
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.424698, Longitude: -75.6943039

kommentar 5

  • Angela Keller-Herzog

    Angela Keller-Herzog


    Great place to buy a high quality used bike! April and October are the sweet spots.

  • Angela Keller-Herzog

    Angela Keller-Herzog


    Ottawa peeps: This is a great place to get a used bike! Every fall Harry turns over old stock. You can sign up as early as August, and pick up a bike by late September or October. Plus the guys will set you up with the seat, fenders, bells and whistles just the way you like it. Best deal in town.

  • en

    John Masters


    Rented 2 different road bikes over a long weekend in August - both the endurance and the race bike were outstanding. The quality of service was A++++ and the location in downtown Ottawa was most convenient. I was staying at the Chateau Laurier so I was able to pick up the bike in the morning and then return it each day for safe storage. Highly recommend to all road cyclists.

  • Meghan C

    Meghan C


    Great bikes! The staff are very knowledgeable and they bikes are great quality. It's a little tough to find unless you know where you are looking but worth the trip if you are looking for quality.

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    jason rule


    Fantastic. Rented a basically new Road bike for 7 days. Covered a lot ok Km's after work, and a good long ride on the weekend. Extended the booking for 2 addition days--no issues. I've rented from other places and these guys are far and away professional. They were very nice and helpful. Bike came with a road kit and whatever else you might need. *In the past, I've checked my own bike on the airline. Aside from renting being much easier (no packing, no dragging bike through security and the airport), this was actually cheaper. Five Plus Stars!

nærmeste Cykel butik

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