Ottawa Insectarium i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaOttawa Insectarium



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71, Sparks Street, K1P 5A5, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-422-0220
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4232501, Longitude: -75.696724

kommentar 5

  • en

    Val Gervais


    This place is small, but my kids loved it! All of the adults did too. We held a milipede, stick insects, a leaf insect, a tarantula, a beatle and a geko. We also learned a lot of interesting things. The cost of entry includes a guided tour and the experience is worth every penny. I'm excited that Sparks Street is now home to a family-friendly place like this. It is in such a convenient location. We parked at the World Exchange plaza (free on weekends) and it was an easy 5 minute walk with the kids.

  • ThursdayKnight



    Very cool idea and fun for a bit. It is pretty small but good for a cool place to go for dates before or after dinner. Needs some better display signs. I hope it gets the chance to expand.

  • en

    alexandra arthur


    Great kid's activity for a rainy Sunday afternoon. Staff was very friendly, and super knowledgeable. Very open to all the questions two curious five year old could ask. Hands on fun for anyone brave enough to try holding exotic insects! Would definitely go back.

  • Curt John

    Curt John


    Bug nut here. Got to hold all sorts of neat insects. Great collection, knowledgeable and skilled staff, fun and friendly environment. Little pricey for what it is but they're on Sparks and gotta pay the bills. Fun hour for the family.

  • en



    Great place. Very informed staff made it interesting. Lots of different bugs to hold- which is really fun. The gift shop is fun with lots of 'bug' snacks. Lots of cool stuff to learn and look at. I would go again and I would recommend going. Great for kids but we are two grown adults that had a fantastic time.

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