Canadian Human Rights Commission i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaCanadian Human Rights Commission



🕗 åbningstider

344, Slater Street, K1R 7Y3, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-995-1151
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.417765, Longitude: -75.7026452

kommentar 5

  • Adriana Cristescu

    Adriana Cristescu


    The entrance is all in marble with two security guards present and a lot of cameras monitoring every move, at the ground level of a downtown Ottawa Ontario high rise building, but it is not written anywhere that the adress in Slater St., is of the Human rights commission. To my surprise, there is no way the security will allow me or any other person go upsatirs to get sny information about anything at all. Even when I explained myself frankly sbout the necessity to talk to someone about a frstrating issue that I have been facing for more than four years now, all I have got was a website and couple of eight hundred phone numbers that did't lead to anything helpful. It was like a dead end before even a beginning. Oh, Canada!....

  • fr

    Denis Bourque


    J'y travaille. Il y a des restaurants et un grand ère où on peut s'assoir pour manger individuel ou en groupe. Poste canada, Recall Drugstore centre esthétique et plusieurs d'autres magasins s'y trouvent.

  • en

    Friendly W


    Fictitious organization. There are no rights for immigrants in Canada. Nationalistic discrimination is the norm. Russophobia is the standard. This commission is fake, does nor do anything as declared at all. The Government stands on the discrimination of immigrants. You will lose your money, health, life trying to prove anything in Canada. There is no justice for immigrants here.

  • Moumen Nakaweh

    Moumen Nakaweh



  • Jamima Pancake

    Jamima Pancake


    I was there to help first nations get their rights and education.. Good experience!

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