Canadian Museum of Nature i Ottawa

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CanadaCanadian Museum of Nature



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240, McLeod Street, K2P 2R1, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-566-4700
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Latitude: 45.4128002, Longitude: -75.6886872

kommentar 5

  • Megan Thayer

    Megan Thayer


    This place was great! We arrived just after lunch time and there were a handful of parking spaces left in the parking lot....which was on the smaller size. After about 3-4 hours in the museum it was about $14 CAD to park. Anyway, admission for 2 adults was about $32 CAD after tax. There are 4 different levels with different exibits on each level all with their own unique design and feel. Some areas were more interactive than others and there was a large mix of families with kids, to adults and older couples. Definitely a good variety for ALL ages. There were bathrooms and drinking fountains on every level. On the main entry there is a cafe and museum store (which was cute, but pretty small). Overall, I was impressed! Will definitely come back when I have kids!!!!!

  • Abhinav Sukumar

    Abhinav Sukumar


    Cool museum.. More to see at the next visit. Interesting architecture-juxtaposition of the new and the old. The exhibits are quite detailed, well maintained and descriptions with some humour.. doesn't take itself so seriously. To be updated further..

  • Courtney Swan

    Courtney Swan


    Beautiful museum! Took advantage of free admission Thursdays 5-8PM (would highly recommend this as it can be pricey otherwise if you are bringing a family/friends). Give yourself lots of time though, as if you read and look at everything at museums like I do, you’ll need closer to 4 hours. The small movie theatre could update its film (came out in 2006) but the special effects are very fun for younger kids. Will definitely be going back another Thursday evening!

  • en

    Kim M


    Staff are friendly and helpful. Areas are well marked and it is easy to get around and find things. Exhibits are amazing and have many interactive videos and screens for further learning. Many hands on exhibits in which you are encouraged to touch items! Free coat check. Allowed to bring in outside food and beverages. Gift shop has reasonable prices.

  • en

    Shirley S


    It’s a paradise for the whole family as it’s so fun and with great knowledge from the big bang to our current life. The museum is huge. We spent the whole afternoon there but couldn’t check with everything we are interested. Like the real-like specimens and the rocks exhibition. They are so beautiful that I can literally look at them for whole day.

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