Bank of Canada Museum i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaBank of Canada Museum



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30, Bank Street, K1A 0G9, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-782-8914
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4210494, Longitude: -75.7028985

kommentar 5

  • Luke Lefrancois

    Luke Lefrancois


    This "Museum" left a lot to be desired. It was free and still felt like I payed too much. It is really designed for children. They are also trying to hard to be modern and cool. They failed miserably on both counts. The only nice thing I have to say about this "Museum" is that it is, thankfully, short. Unless you absolutely go nuts about currency, I'd skip this place for somewhere more fun. Say... Your dentist.

  • William Humphries

    William Humphries


    Really liked it - the Interactive displays were educational and fascinating for me, with a sufficient number of things for the kids to "play" with. I'd like to be alone in there for a few more hours to learn by myself so will return at a later date. For the price (free) you can't really go wrong and I'd highly recommend it. I think in many ways it's better than other museums in the city (including the new Science and Tech, which I feel is a bit of a let down).

  • en

    rutav dharek


    Free entry High tech Museum. this place is more fun at same time gives great learning. It should be considered as must visit place in Ottawa or Gatineau

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    Barbara H


    Highly recommended for children. Very educational and interactive and adults may pick up a thing or two as well. Free! What's not to like about that.

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    Nicky Carpenter


    This month's fraud awareness tour is well worth doing. Great new location for the museum. Artifacts are great. We did have a few issues with the technology used to access information (watch to start and then touch screen).

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