McDonald's i Sudbury

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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914, Newgate Avenue, P3A 5J9, Sudbury, Greater Sudbury Division, CA Canadá
kontakter telefon: +1 705-560-3030
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Latitude: 46.5147911, Longitude: -80.9839333

kommentar 5

  • Maty Richie

    Maty Richie


    This McDonalds was very fast with the service. At the same time I was served with alot of positive energy and respect .

  • Lisa Dagostino

    Lisa Dagostino


    They are too busy pumping out the orders to the drive thru and not worrying about the customers than are dinning inside.

  • en

    Paul Kingsbury


    Great bite to eat. Super friendly staff

  • en

    Eric Bertrand


    The Newgate ave location deserves a 4 star on the afternoon of February 7th 2018 at 3pm. I understand that their mission statement is to serve all customers in under a minute. I waited about 3 which isn't bad considering they were ensuring fresh quality. They took the time in brewing a fresh pot and the staff was super friendly and it seemed as though they genuinely liked working here and everybody got a long great. Lots of smiles and laughter. Great to see! Place is clean enough to enjoy a meal/beverage without feeling uncomfortable but its not clean enough to be considered a 5 star restaurant. The delay time of a couple minutes from the franchise's mission statement is where they lost a star. But Its not much of a big deal.! So close to being a 5 star on this day. Keep up the great work guys

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    Denys Tremblay


    Consistenly and reliably SLOW. I've been here a number of times and it's always the same: LOADS of people waiting to be served, loads waiting for their food, yet not very many orders being fulfilled... I once waited 20 minutes for 2 black coffees, when I finally interrupted an employee to ask about them and found they had long been poured and just sitting on a cart, in queue for all the customers before me to be served. The management/staff at this restaurant needs a serious overhaul.

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