Starbucks i Sudbury

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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1425, Kingsway, P3A 4R7, Sudbury, Greater Sudbury Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 705-507-6254
internet side:
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Latitude: 46.5027626, Longitude: -80.949563

kommentar 5

  • Robert Michael Todd

    Robert Michael Todd


    The service is great. Employees are friendly. But the place is a cash cow for Starbucks. It hasn't been renovated in 18 years, since it first opened. It has now become a corporate starbucks but does not have everything a 'real' starbucks has. It's really a shame that the Sudbury starbucks, the only one north of Parry Sound and all on Northeastern Ontario is basically neglected and an afterthought to the company. Horrible regional manager.

  • Carole G. Anderson

    Carole G. Anderson


    Store closes at 10 pm but it's 9pm, they are washing the floor and there is no food in the display fridge. Starbuck needs to pay its staff past 10pm in order for them to do a proper closing. Place can get quite busy at times.

  • Christa King

    Christa King


    I love my Starbucks and hit them up often, but I must say this is always by far the SLOWEST service out of all the stores I've gone to in Ontario. So, so slow. I once waited over 40 minutes in the store AFTER ordering online 10 minutes prior to my arrival. But the most frustrating thing is watching the workers chat and lolygag when frustrated customers sit there and wait. Could we speed it up a bit...?

  • sk8er10122



    Quick service. Gave excellent suggestions. Very nice. Very helpful

  • Megan Rose

    Megan Rose


    I love the fact that this Starbucks is conveniently attached to chapters. It is the perfect way to spend a rainy day, getting delicious coffee and perusing through books, however be prepared to wait. This location sadly has the longest wait time, my only complaint.

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