Tim Hortons i Sudbury

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaTim Hortons



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465, Barry Downe Road, P3A 3T4, Sudbury, Greater Sudbury Division, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 705-524-3760
internet side: locations.timhortons.com
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Latitude: 46.5063735, Longitude: -80.9448007

kommentar 5

  • Lee Stead

    Lee Stead


    This Tim Horton's is a disappointment. There are always teenagers or vagrants loitering inside and not paying for anything. They take up seats, swear loudly, and cause a scene. The orders are often times more wrong than right, and the overall atmosphere is more akin to a dirty run down coffee shop than a chain store. I refuse to go here any longer as a result.

  • en

    Simon Doyon


    Food good service excellent, pools and beach very good wItresses really beautiful and friendly and clean uniforms really safe anywhere and nice poeple

  • Debbie Steedman

    Debbie Steedman


    Barrydowne road location has many issues with customer service and filling orders correctly.

  • en

    Andrea Pen


    Great for coffee. Fast service at this location.

  • en

    Darlene Stamplecoski


    Shoild just have a line up for coffee only and for staff at the hospital got a french vanilla wpw it was sweet.

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