Ti Amo Classic Café i Sudbury

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaTi Amo Classic Café



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124, Cedar Street, P3E 1B4, Sudbury, Greater Sudbury Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 705-586-3455
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Latitude: 46.492388, Longitude: -80.9923534

kommentar 5

  • Louisa Szymanski

    Louisa Szymanski


    Really nice cafe, definitely recommend checking it out. Note that if you have peanut or nut allergies this is not the place for you.

  • Lee Burnette

    Lee Burnette


    Blown away by this place. Coffees are fresh...hot and tasty. Crepes are the best in Canada. Try the waffles...the best ingredients...fresh...the owner is on site and insures your satisfaction.

  • en

    Jane E Nimmock


    Enjoyed my meal here. Would go again.

  • en

    Krysta Lamothe


    I've been to Ti Amo a few times and loved the food and the service. Since the new owners have taken over it's developed a different kind of atmosphere. The food is still great but overall the restaurant doesn't feel as welcoming. I went in on a Saturday around 2pm to find that they were closing earlier than their times posted on their website and the sign with their logo on it outside the door. Apparently that is their regular closing time for that day which is demonstrated on a small generic sign in the window. I expressed my confusion and a man I believe to be the owner seemed rather annoyed so I quickly left before causing him more of an inconvenience. I felt pretty embarrassed and despite really enjoying the food on previous visits, I am not sure how inclined I am to return.

  • Katya Balshaya

    Katya Balshaya


    Was passing through town and came here for breakfast. I had the Greek crepe and it was delicious. The staff is friendly and the atmosphere is cozy.

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