Wong's Palace de Ottawa

CanadaWong's Palace



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2961, Carling Avenue, K2B 7J9, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-829-7676
site web: www.wongspalacerestaurant.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.35617, Longitude: -75.803102

commentaires 5

  • Bram Blenk

    Bram Blenk


    One of the best Chinese food places in Ottawa. Excellent food, fantastic eggrolls and fast friendly service are the hallmarks of this family run business, and the atmosphere is attractive and cosy. If you are lucky, the semi retired original owner, Mr Wong will be there and happy to chat before or after your meal. We've been going there for special occasion and celebration meals since shortly after the place opened in 1977.

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    Matt Cybolsky


    Family owned, clean, respectful staff. Absolutely massive menu too, which can be a plus or a minus. A great stop before hitting up the theatre for dinner.

  • Samantha knox

    Samantha knox


    Run by a wonderful couple/family. But the food is mediocre at best, you can tell it's not fresh. I kept going because it was nearby but after ordering from there again today and it being awful I won't be going anymore.. 😔 But again great couple, wish them the best.

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    Ashley Kennedy


    Excellent Chinese food. Very high quality compared to everywhere else and tasty. Egg rolls are amazing. Been here a few times and always had a great experience. The décor provides a very classy ambience! The waiters are very professional and friendly and the owner is dedicated to his business.

  • Amanda Cyr

    Amanda Cyr


    Wonderful servers, wonderful food. Great atmosphere. Just a prefect pleasant place

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