Subway de Ottawa




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380, Dalhousie Street, K1N 9L3, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-789-7337
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4273591, Longitude: -75.6900705

commentaires 5

  • Eva Sullivan

    Eva Sullivan


    Sub was delicious and so was the service

  • en

    don berthon


    No line up to be served, the place is clean and quiet. The personnel was kind and patient. I liked it

  • SvenOttawa



    Store is as it should be. Just like the rest and up to great standards. Clean, fast, and tasty. As I'd come to expect.

  • jabber jay

    jabber jay


    this was a great visit! we originally went to eat at the shawarma place next door but it was too expensive in comparison so we settles for subway. the food was absolutely amazing. the place is very clean, much more clean than any other subways ive been to. the guy who served us was very patient and very friendly. he joked around and later came by to ask how our food was. we were complimenting him between ourselves for at least two days afterwards. great place to have a good eat

  • George Adaimy

    George Adaimy


    Friendly staff and a clean place... regular specials like any other subway... clean and there's room to sit and enjoy your sandwish!

Repas à emporter la plus proche

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