Subway de Ottawa




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1200 St Laurent Blvd St Laurent Shopping Centre, Unit U608, Ottawa, ON K1K 3B8, Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-746-7827
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4219466, Longitude: -75.6387057

commentaires 4

  • giga byte

    giga byte


    Great SA's Very friendly AND HONEST! I forgot my wallet with money in it today and i called 2 hours later and i got my wallet back with everything in it! Thank you so much St Laurent staff! You saved my Behind! If corp reads this they were working at the time and date i posted this! Kudos! Kudos! Kudos!

  • en

    Jonathan Bennett


    Went in for lunch today around 3:30pm. It wasn’t too busy, I think their lunch rush was pretty much over with. I didn’t know what to order, so Josh helped me out. He recommended me a ham sandwich with various toppings. It had their house sauce on it. It was phenomenal! 10/10 Would eat again, the staff here are awesome! Especially you Josh, thanks for making me that awesome sub. ;)

  • notStevenBird



    I ordered my sandwich online from Subway for the first time. I asked for no wet toppings on sandwich. I don’t eat condiments like mustard, cheese, mayo... And I HATE SOGGY BREAD! My 17 yr old went to pick up. They refused to make another sandwich stating I didn’t ask for this. My other daughter went in and was going to put me on speaker phone but this employee only spoke OVER her stating I can do nothing over and over. She walked out feeling like there’s nothing she can do. I asked my teens to wait in the car. I called in and spoke to the same man I heard on both of my daughter's cell phone. I asked the manager and at first he said he was. Then after I asked for his name he stated the manager was not in.

  • Farshid Mirshahi

    Farshid Mirshahi


    The food was good; but! I'll tell you the two stars story now. We got there at around 8:10 pm. They were taking the ice away from under the trays; the trays were all covered, so far so good. When the guy was helping us to prepare our order, the girl did not stop what she was doing with the ice. I saw as the guy was opening and closing the lid of the trays with difficulty, since she was on his way, there was some drips of ice water into the trays (of water that she was collecting) . That ruined the enjoyment of having that sandwich for me and my wife, but, we said nothing to them, not to make them feel bad after a long day they had.

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