Union de Toronto



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65, Front Street West, M5J 1E6, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1
site web: www.ttc.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6452239, Longitude: -79.380861

commentaires 5

  • Lee Weston

    Lee Weston


    The new platforms help, but it's still the most cramped station on the system, and a total disaster to navigate, especially between subway and streetcars. Insanely crowded during commuter rush hour and best avoided. Consider King or St.Andrew if you are heading north during rush hour.

  • Tom Bradford

    Tom Bradford


    Everything was very fast and smooth. I wish there were more literature available everywhere. We ended up finding some towards the end of our stay on the busses. As first time public transit travellers it was a little deterring. Once you get the hang of it, very pleasant experience.

  • Angry iOqY

    Angry iOqY


    Every major world city has an Union station to be proud off. While the great hall deserves recognition, it's cramped subway station continues to have narrow platforms even after a multi-million dollar renovation. Hoping to see all the improvements bring the station back to its former glory as an integrated transit hub with shops and food options.

  • Rizvee Hossain

    Rizvee Hossain


    This is one of the busiest station in the city. Especially during rush hours. For most part it's easy to navigate but beware you do need to have a good knowledge of TTC's subway system or else it will be bit tricky to figure out which train to take. As both goes North bound. So make sure to read the map before going down to the designated platform.

  • Enrique Gómez Lozoya

    Enrique Gómez Lozoya


    Ina estación dónde se centraliza la llegada y salida del transporte. Tren, bus y metro. En estos momentos está en una situación muy complicada por las obras que se están realizando.

Station de métro la plus proche

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