Queen de Toronto



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🕗 horaire

8, Queen Street West, M5H 3X4, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.652737, Longitude: -79.379616

commentaires 5

  • en

    Marc Cholette


    Its a subway station...you get off the train and start walking...5 stars!

  • Americo Cespedes

    Americo Cespedes


    I'd love to see this station develope longer routs

  • Chuan Chee

    Chuan Chee


    The south end of the platform connects to the south end of Eatons Centre. The north end connects to the middle of Eaton Centre.

  • Joe C

    Joe C


    The good thing about this station is that it connects directly to the Eaton Centre. The bad thing about it is that's the only place it goes to. If you want to go to the street, you have to go through the Eaton Centre. The station isn't very big either, and is often very crowded.

  • Mike



    Why can you even rate a train station? Five stars cause you dont fall into a pit when you get off the train.

Station de métro la plus proche

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