College de Toronto



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Toronto, Ontario M5B 1L2, Canadá
contact téléphone: +1
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6613247, Longitude: -79.3830746

commentaires 5

  • en

    Marlon Levin


    too many vagrants and loiterers on the street corner and below in the subway tunnels leading from College Park. Clean up your act Toronto!

  • en

    Raven Redbird


    Waited for 3 full trains at 4:30 pm. going Northbound...before crossing over to the near empty Southbound train. Took a little more time to get to Bloor but was well worth it !

  • en

    Ed Poon


    Gawd Awful. Northbound trains are absolutely full during rush hour and you often have to wait 3-4 trains to pass by before you can squish into a train with minimal space to breathe, by which time the lineups are building in the station quicker than you can load people on trains.

  • Stephen Brown

    Stephen Brown


    I took this photo just after the snow fell on Yonge Street at College. When the snow is first on the ground, and it is all white, it looks very beautiful. So you can see people going out for a walk just to take a look at the snow. It is quite fun.

  • Bart B. Van Bockstaele

    Bart B. Van Bockstaele


    The Toronto public transit system is by far the best I have ever used. It has enabled me to no longer need a car, and in so doing, has given me a totally new and more relaxed view on life. College station is not the cleanest station in the system. It often smells like a urinal, but then, people are not using the station as a camping ground, just as a means of getting on and off the subway. It serves that purpose well, and gives easy access to several stores.

Station de métro la plus proche

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