ToysRUs de Thunder Bay




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339 Main St, Unit A-1, Thunder Bay, ON P7B 5L6, Canada
contact téléphone: +1 807-345-0110
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4053118, Longitude: -89.2370501

commentaires 5

  • en

    debbie doyle


    Very helpful. Went upstairs to find a Xbox game. Great

  • phat dog productions

    phat dog productions


    Use freakin proper grammar like seriosly boi poop loop its like saying toys is we

  • Jeffrey Mehagan

    Jeffrey Mehagan


    Store was very quiet as everyone was at the counters. But the wait at the counters was atrocious for such a quiet store.

  • en

    Jamie Soave


    Loved it found what i was looking for. The staff was very helpful

  • Cory Koski

    Cory Koski


    Had a great experience with a staff member helping us buy some bottles for our newborn. Really went out of her way to make my wife and I feel comfortable and taken care of. I've been to other TRUs and this one is clean, easy to walk around, and pleasant staff.

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