LE CHÂTEAU de Thunder Bay




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1000, Fort William Road, P7B 6B9, Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District, CA CanadĂĄ
contact téléphone: +1 807-623-3613
site web: www.lechateau.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.403422, Longitude: -89.2442086

commentaires 2

  • en

    Alysha Edgar


    Extremely rude. Tried to purchase a dress for a wedding I have to attend. The sales people were awful to me and I left. No wonder this store has closed and reopened a few times. Prices are outrageous for what the product is anyways. Will never be stepping foot back in there.

  • en

    Cindy Smeltzer


    I have shopped at your store for several years. I was recently appalled at the service (if you call it that) of one of your employees. Jessica is the young lady's name(I was told her last name was Jaworki or close to that from what I re-call) and she was rude and I will never shop there again due to the horrible experience. She actually told me I was too large for an outfit I was looking at and spent more time bad mouthing her manager & co workers to her friends than doing her job. I hope you spend more time and effort in hiring staff that are kind, knowledgeable and simply NICE! Sooooooooooooo disappointed. A sad and disappointed Cindy Smeltzer :(

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