Mark's de Thunder Bay




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969, Fort William Road, P7B 3A6, Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District, CA CanadĂĄ
contact téléphone: +1 807-344-0554
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4017787, Longitude: -89.2386174

commentaires 5

  • Anthony V

    Anthony V


    I'm just go there for the work boots, never disappointed.

  • en

    Terry Leeson


    Stopped in on a Sunday morning looking for a sweater or shirt, staff greeted pleasantly and asked if they could help me find what I was looking for...

  • Sonia



    Great selection of winter gear and Nike apparel. Customer service is AMAZING. All employees are so helpful and nice

  • en

    Angela Muloin


    Great store for quality clothes. My issue is with the stock for men's clothing. Although I have checked on many occasions, all of the larger sizes disappear as soon as the products become available. It's a problem keeping them in stock they said. I said bring in larger sizes and less smaller sizes. Now, not only is it difficult to find a large or extra large size, but now they barely have these items in tall.

  • Doom Scorpion

    Doom Scorpion


    Terrible customer service. I don't feel like posting a huge story. But in simple terms there is a check out girl that's completely rasist towards Caucasian people. I felt the brunt of it when returning some boots. I have her name on receipt and employee number and i will be contacting there head office. As the female manager idly stood there and didn't nothing. It you do buy from here don't return anything.

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