The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy, University of Saskatchewan de Saskatoon

CanadaThe Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy, University of Saskatchewan



🕗 horaire

122-1, Campus Drive, S7N 5A3, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 306-668-2256
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.13068, Longitude: -106.636453

commentaires 5

  • Evan Potts

    Evan Potts


    I love this pharmacy. They're always quick and they have the nicest most knowledgeable pharmacists

  • Luke Warman

    Luke Warman


    Great staff.

  • en

    Soso je


    Best service ever, very accurate, very quick and very helpful people. I don't need to go out of my house. I can get the refill and they deliver it to the door. I am happy to deal with them and won't change them ever.

  • Carla Guedo

    Carla Guedo


    This is the favourite pharmacy I have worked at. Such a positive atmosphere and strong emphasis on customer service and providing knowledgable advice to patients.

  • Jasmine Liska

    Jasmine Liska


    I love going into this pharmacy. The pharmacist is very nice and extremely helpful. She seems to recognize people and genuinely wishes them well. I completely trust her to steer me in the right direction with my medications. In addition, the pharmacy is very well-stocked. I'm continually surprised at the variety of number of products they have. It certainly was designed to ensure that students (and on-campus-residence-students) can survive on campus. I feel as though I can find and get the same types of products here as I could in a much, much larger pharmacy, but in less time and with a more satisfying shopping experience.

Pharmacie la plus proche

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