London Drugs de Saskatoon

CanadaLondon Drugs



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2323, 8 Street East, S7H 0V4, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 306-664-9500
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.116217, Longitude: -106.6190785

commentaires 5

  • James Mcisaac

    James Mcisaac


    Not a good experience with the 8th street location.Very unaccommodating.I was told from one location one thing,then i drove to 8th St and was told otherwise by a manager who is couldn't seem to care less.

  • en

    TheReal Elle


    The better one of the 2 in the city. Staff are more professional and kind.

  • en

    CT-110 Select


    Pretty good location , London Drugs is getting better at having more organic and natural Products! Would be absolutely pleased if they carried more ATTITUDE Living products, currently I can only find they're shampoos, conditioners and body washes...they have so much more to offer like all natural laundry soaps, house hold cleaning supplies and sunscreens, body creams etc. London Drugs is the only place I can find these products and it would make all the sense if they carried the whole complete line of ATTITUDE Living products! They are the best products zero chemicals all natural line of products very good quality, I use 2 Shampoos and 2 conditioners and the body wash! If you haven't tried ATTITUDE Living products go to London Drugs and buy them you won't be disappointed on the quality! I've been looking for color safe hair care products with all natural fragrances and I finally found them! Good job London Drugs for carrying this line of products, please carry the complete line!

  • Greg Abramoff

    Greg Abramoff


    I have not dealt with the film or tech department which seems to be under some scrutiny. I have had good passport photos taken here, I always enjoy coming here for Christmas gifts. They have a great selection of household items and a decent selection of items found in a pharmacy.

  • Jaime Vedres

    Jaime Vedres


    DO NOT TRUST THIS STORE WITH YOUR FILM! Dropped off one roll of film to be developed. When I went back to pick up all I received was horrible customer service. One employee was dismissive and unwilling to help me, the other unprofessional and abrupt. I ordered matte prints, received glossy. Went back in to have them replaced and the employee didn't know the difference between the finishes and was unable to make reprints, or provide a refund for their mistake and a product I do not want. Further review of my negatives and prints showed a substantial amount of dust on the negatives and prints. Scans also showed negatives were mishandled and dirty.

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