Shoppers Drug Mart de Saskatoon

CanadaShoppers Drug Mart



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1210, 7 Avenue North, S7K 2W2, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 306-653-0882
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.1442834, Longitude: -106.6515005

commentaires 5

  • GarysPauny



    Be prepared to wait for service at pharmacy. And then you will be made to feel like a inconvenience

  • Hafiz Waqar Zafar

    Hafiz Waqar Zafar


    I had a question regarding infant formula and asked the pharmacist who was supposed to give a satisfactory answer according to 811 health line but his knowledge was very limited. Later I found the same brand name product that I bought from Shoppers at a different store at 20% less price. Unbelievable!

  • Linh V

    Linh V


    Small and less variety compared to other Shoppers stores. There's no photo lab so you can't do passport photos here.

  • Danielle Barks

    Danielle Barks


    Every time my boyfriend or I has to fill our prescriptions here they say an hour, so when we come back an hour later they say it'll be another 20 minutes, and sometimes we even have to come back a 3rd time. The selection in the store is almost always limited and overpriced, and that's if you can even find a price tag, which even if you do, doesn't mean the pricetag is even for the item you're buying. The only good things about this place are the location and the staff (excluding the pharmacy staff who told me an half an hour and then told my boyfriend that I lied and told me to wait an hour). Last time my boyfriend went to get his prescription they said that it didn't have any refills (he had 3 left) and they wouldn't fill it which forced him to go to the doctors office and wait for over an hour just to get a piece of paper to go get his meds that he needs to take daily. Their pharmacy is an absolute joke, every time either of us goes there they have some new excuse as to why they haven't or can't fill our prescriptions.

  • en

    Devon Reichert


    Terrible service, doors weren't open until 8:10 sign says they are supposed to be open at 8. The fat girl who had to open the door was very rude. The pharmacist was unable to fill my basic prescription after an hour of trying. Very terrible service this location should be closed

Pharmacie la plus proche

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