Subway de Ottawa




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414, Bank Street, K2P 1Y8, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-232-5252
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4125794, Longitude: -75.6941358

commentaires 5

  • Brandon Mclean

    Brandon Mclean


    when I say light mayo I expect light mayo not regular mayo and then when it doesn't come out of the bottle for you to put five big Globs on the sandwich didn't even eat it threw it out

  • en

    Colin Jakubec


    Decent subway has the usually stuff. Washroom was a little different

  • J.S. Jackson

    J.S. Jackson


    Daughter loves Subway. It's less than a block away so we end up there often. The owners and staff are so nice and friendly - often treating her to a free cookie.

  • Dana Wright

    Dana Wright


    Quick and easy. The guy who made my food was nice and maze a great sandwich!

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    Matt Drouillard


    Great service. Noticed the veggies seemed as fresh as anywhere I've ever had. Bread was great. Lost a star only because of washrooms requiring a key. Not a fan of the practice.

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