Structube de Vancouver




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140, West Hastings Street, V6B 1G8, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 778-379-9033
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.2821088, Longitude: -123.1085801

commentaires 5

  • Cristiane Aigner

    Cristiane Aigner


    They have a serius delivery problem and if you call to ask information about the delay...their kind answer is.. "The delivery is not our problem"... so... that its... is not their problem if the delivery company delay more than 2 weeks to bring your stuff... I do not recomend this store!!!

  • cristiane aigner

    cristiane aigner


    I do not recommend this store. They have a strong problem to deliver your stuff even when you have a receipt with the expected date. They delay more than 2 weeks beyond the 3 weeks accorded. And nobody did nothing to help us sayng that is not their problem if the delivey delayed!!! I´ll never buy again with this store!!!

  • en

    Frank Torng


    There are some great finds in here...I'm interested in purchasing some stuff, but I went in tonight to take a look and did a whole tour of the store and not one person came out from behind the desk to even say hello, let alone ask me if I needed assistance... After looking at all the past reviews on this Gastown location, I'm surprised that it's even still in business; such a shame. Piece of advice to Structube: hire a manager and staff who actually care about customer service. Your brand is being tarnished.

  • Morgan Ayres

    Morgan Ayres


    Love structure although service can vary. Prefer the granville location over gastown as the staff are more friendly here ( although downtown has a bigger space and more selection) prices and quality are good. Run out quickly of popular designs and sale items so buy before it's gone

  • Annie Chbat

    Annie Chbat


    Cool and stylish furniture, but not the greatest quality. At least prices are very affordable. Service is a hit or miss, we've had the nicest people help us in certain locations and some others who were extremely rude and nonchalant

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