Paradigm Marketing Ltd de Vancouver

CanadaParadigm Marketing Ltd


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🕗 horaire

1062, Hamilton Street, V6B 2R9, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 604-484-8866
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.2779241, Longitude: -123.1173071

commentaires 1

  • en

    Marilyn Monroe


    Highly suspect company!! The broker filled out my loan application claiming he was the merchant and was paid by the lender. I was left in the cold without my funds and paying high interest for a loan I never received. The President has been nothing but evasive and has made empty promises about giving me my loan money. He is someone who filed for bankruptcy in 2001 and is in no position to be providing financial advise or help to anyone. He's left me feeling scammed. Check for reviews with the BBB Vancouver and note that he operates both under PM Financial Services and Paradigm Marketing. His office address is bogus. He operates his business from home.

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