Society of St. Vincent De Paul (Ottawa) de Ottawa

CanadaSociety of St. Vincent De Paul (Ottawa)



🕗 horaire

1273, Wellington Street West, K1Y 3A6, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 613-722-7166
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.399372, Longitude: -75.734014

commentaires 5

  • James Milinovich

    James Milinovich


    I love the selection of clothing for men and the kids toys. Always manage to find a good cd or book. Great staff and low prices. No sales tax!

  • Natasha Oliveira

    Natasha Oliveira


    This is the absolutely best thrift store I have ever been it. It is small enough so it is not overwhelming and it is run by caring staff. Due to its location, it offers the best of the best in terms of clothing and artifacts.

  • vanessa Pettit

    vanessa Pettit


    I love going here amazing deals very friendly. I recommend to anyone. Clothes of all sizes and toys for the children. Electronic videos and much more. Always puts smiles on everyone's faces.

  • Yoshuna



    Prices at this store are still reasonable after all these years. The staff are friendly and helpful, and I never fail to find a few hidden gems every visit! Definitely worth checking out if you’re in the area, or wanting to find some deals on homeware and clothing! The prices at St. Vincent are unbeatable compared to other Ottawa thrift stores. I also think the Merivale location is worth checking out - there’s $1 (now $1.50) racks!

  • en

    Kristin Lo


    I always enjoy shopping at this great thrift store. They have good deals here all the time. Also, they give free basic items to people in need including furniture so it's a great place to donate items as well. I feel clean when I shop here! It's great for society and the environment! It has a warm and friendly environment :) Highly recommend!

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