Founddesign de Ottawa




🕗 horaire

164, Elm Street, K1R 6P1, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-523-2205
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4089745, Longitude: -75.7167649

commentaires 4

  • Yvonne Potter

    Yvonne Potter


    This is one of the nicest furniture, decor and lighting showrooms in Ottawa. It's so nice to take my design clients there and see the look of delight on their faces!

  • David Mowbray

    David Mowbray


    A gem of a store for wonderful furniture, lamps and art. It's all second hand but from the best designers is the 50s,60s and 70s. Every item is in great condition and reasonably priced for what it is.

  • en

    Greg Jones


    Wow. Just wow.

  • Mikaza Home

    Mikaza Home


    True professionals in their field. Excellent sourcing skills. Many of their pieces will appreciate over time, collectors keep your eyes open for must haves!

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