Scooteretti de Ottawa




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85, Murray Street, K1N 5M5, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-244-0000
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.429825, Longitude: -75.693755

commentaires 5

  • en

    Lloyd Sheen


    Great place for e-bikes. Staff is knowledgable and quick to help

  • Benoit Turmel

    Benoit Turmel


    Will effered me an awesome service, took 2 hours to help me find the perfect bike for my needs even close his shop later than supposed to prepare my new Cube Reaction 500. I simply love that bike its perfect for my usage year round!

  • en

    Tim Smith


    I had started my on-line search and noticed that Scooteretti specializes entirely on e-bikes and had a vast selection. I thought it was a natural place to educate myself and see if it was something I might consider. I have a lung disease and was unable to use a regular bike. I was intrigued by the e-assistance provided by an e-bike and the opportunity it gave me for exercise and greater mobility. Visiting Scooteretti, I was greeted by the husband and wife team who were awesome. They took plenty of time to educate me, listen to my needs, have me test drive a few of the bikes and I was convinced. I bought an Elby bike which matched my particular needs but there are many high quality bikes to choose from. Both my wife and I were tremendously impressed with the patient service, education and selection provided. No pressure at all. I also left feeling confident that they could provide on-going support and maintenance after my purchase. Very highly recommended!!!!

  • Kylie Delfino

    Kylie Delfino


    My husband and I recently purchased 2 electric bikes from Scooteretti. We did extensive research before the purchase, speaking to companies in the US, Europe and elsewhere in Canada. Scooteretti, was by far the most knowledgeable, experienced, helpful and professional company that we dealt with. The sales team made it all about accommodating each of our sepecific needs, not about the dollar value of the sale. They were also incredibly helpful and knowledgeable about the best racking system to transport the bikes and the most reliable accessories. William and his team of professionals surpassed my expectations. They are a superior dealer in my opinion and I would not hesitate in recommending them if you are in the market for an electric bike. Scooteretti provides absolutely superb customer service and a tremendous purchasing experience! 5 stars plus!

  • en

    Jatinder Baidwan


    A great outfit to buy from. Made the process simple, from looking on line, answering questions over the net and even quick phone calls during the buying process. I would thoroughly recommend these folks. They shipped across Canada too, with no issues. Great job scooteretti!

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