Kunstadt Sports de Ottawa

CanadaKunstadt Sports



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680, Bank Street, K1S 3T9, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-233-4820
site web: kunstadt.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4056155, Longitude: -75.6900198

commentaires 5

  • RenĂ©e Lefrançois

    Renée Lefrançois


    Impressive gear options and service, especially when outfitting a growing family for alpine skiing. We were guided to look at both new and previously-owed options for our young skiers and felt that we got the best of both worlds in terms of function versus cost. Knowledgeable and unpretentious sales team. We will be back!

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    Samantha Stephen


    Really bad experience shopping here. My boyfriend bought a pair of snowpants from them that ripped due to manufacturing the first time he wore them. We immeditatley brought them in asking to speak with a manager, hoping to get a new pair. We called and went into the store 3 times inquiring about what they could do but told us they were waiting to speak with someone. It took them 6 weeks to get back to us, which was 6 weeks of prime snowboarding weather. He ended up buying a pair from value village waiting to hopefully get a new pair, but he never did. Kundstadt would only give him $100 towards a new pair, and all pants were at least $200 with very limited selection meaning he would have to spend more money on something he didn’t want as they had no more of the ones he originally had. Such a waste of time and money, the staff was unprofessional and often confused every time we came in. No one seemed to know what they were doing. Definitely won’t be shopping there again, I suggest sporting life, sport check or top of the world for all snowboarding goods.

  • William Rolston

    William Rolston


    Brought my bike here to be serviced in the fall and, as a small business owner, I forgot about the bike for a few months and in that time I never received a phone call nor an email about it so when I remembered in the spring I went to check if it was serviced. When I got there I saw the bike at the front FOR SALE and with a bent rear wheel and scratched frame. They fixed the rear wheel but I had to show them the scratch (even though it was obviously fresh) and even then they never gave me a discount or anything! DO NOT BRING YOUR BIKE HERE!

  • Christoph Allaby

    Christoph Allaby


    Don't get your skates sharpened here. I've been playing hockey my whole life and have never had my skates dulled rather than sharpened. Stick to skis I guess....

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    James Roy


    Tom was very helpful in finding skiis for my son at a decent price and setting up their tune-up. Hopeful that they'll have them ready for pickup when scheduled. Five star - assumes we will get them next weekend.

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