RBC Royal Bank i Toronto

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaRBC Royal Bank



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101, Dundas Street West, M5G 1C4, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canadá
kontakter telefon: +1 416-581-8865
internet side: maps.rbcroyalbank.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.6555545, Longitude: -79.3839413

kommentar 5

  • en

    Duncan Chan


    Of all the RBCs, this one has the slowest service , with no urgency as the line continues to build. Training needed.

  • Aero Ball

    Aero Ball


    Waited 20-30mins in line. They have 3 clerks behind the desks, and they are all constantly typing away on their keyboards like they're students researching for their term paper. I dont understand why basic banking needs 10mins of screen time, like what are you even doing right now, writing my biography?! I feel like the staff is just not adequately trained for their duties so they need to learn things on the fly ? It takes way too long to get people sorted and out the door.

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    lorena aguirres


    I agree with some customer in this review . I don’t go anymore to this branch. Staff unhelpful and lazy. Mentioning too the rudeness from some of them. Always customers on a waiting line and they don’t care . I was one day waiting like for 15 minutes on a line . And some of the stuff texting by phone and they don’t care the waiting line

  • Daniyal Usama

    Daniyal Usama


    Literally the most unhelpful staff at this branch, go to any other rbc branch and you will be helped with the best customer service.

  • en

    Rsm nd


    Their website says non clients can exchange usd for can dollars but one of their staff at the bay and dundas branch asked me to leave because they don't exchange usd for non clients. Ill trained or just unhelpful?

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