Pizzability Glenlake de Langford

CanadaPizzability Glenlake



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Voted Best Restaurant in Westshore 2015, By Goldstream Gazette Readers! Thank you, 2668 Sooke rd, Langford, BC V9B 1Y6, Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 778-433-6888
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4329771, Longitude: -123.5220363

commentaires 5

  • Nol Geee

    Nol Geee


    Consistently good pizza, friendly staff over the phone, beats Romeos way less grease. Would suggest to anyone.

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    Steve Miller


    Best pizza in greater Victoria (not hard to beat) Crust is perfect, sauce has flavour and they use real cheese! Crazy 8’s are from heaven .. Love this place Please don’t go away..

  • Esme Clarke

    Esme Clarke


    Nice guys, working hard, busy place. Veey Good pizza. Worth stopping in for pick up discount. Usually order from the Sooke location , been here once as commuting by and just as good as original location

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    Vickie Maccoy


    the cheese was good! we placed a to go order at the langford location and ordered fettuccine alfredo with the chicken, we got noodles, chicken and cheese NO sauce what so ever! when we called to let them know they mentioned they just didn't put enough sauce on it and will do so in the future! there was NO SAUCE at all, do not know who we spoke to but if it wasn't management or the owner I'd be watching over your young staff before they put you out of business...

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    Thor Larsen


    Have had 20 great experiences ordering from pizzability. Tonight I am about to recook my pizza because it is so undercooked and doughy. The taste is always great so I am willing to do so. Just should not have to

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