Panago Pizza de Victoria

CanadaPanago Pizza



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1108, Yates Street, V8V 3N2, Victoria, Capital, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 866-310-0001
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.425166, Longitude: -123.3530322

commentaires 5

  • en

    Smokus Cat


    Chain pizza. Not great, but better than Domino's.

  • Alexa Lyman

    Alexa Lyman


    3 times now have ordered online, gotten a confirmation email and have been told the order hasn't gone through.

  • Melissa Hankinson

    Melissa Hankinson


    Terrible. Screwed up my order more times than I can count. The last time they gave me a pizza with meat when I ordered something vegetarian, I asked for a refund. Then the manager ASKED ME FOR THE PIZZA BACK A WEEK LATER. Disgusting. Do yourself a favor and go to a local place with competent staff instead of Panago and their team of idiots.

  • Joe S

    Joe S


    I've always has a good experience at Panago Yates St. Put a little more sauce on them pies though, eh? Primo Capicolla is my go to.

  • en

    Myles Cutmore


    I decided I wanted to order off you guys cause I hadn't in awhile. When I called I was on hold for a few min which is no problem so I waited then I get to talk to someone and the guys starts talking so fast it's like he was auctioning off something. When I asked the guy to slow down repeat what he's said due to he said it so fast I didn't catch it all. He sighs and starts giving me attitude. I get if you are busy and need to get through the calls but customers should be able to understand what you are saying so they can make sure their orders are correct and when being asked to slow down and repeat they shouldn't be given attitude for it. Needless to say I'll think twice before calling Panago again

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