Erito Sushi de Victoria

CanadaErito Sushi



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3531, Uptown Boulevard, V9B 5E3, Victoria, Capital, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 778-433-3328
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.454212, Longitude: -123.374917

commentaires 5

  • en

    Shealand Keais


    When your food is this good you are sure to get some haters. The low reviews on here must be from competitors. Best Udon I've ever had in my life. Also the only Udon I've ever had in my life I think I should disclose. Large portion sizes.

  • en

    Sean Stephen


    Just ordered from skip the dishes delivery service was great as usual, but man this sushi is just terrible. You can tell they have this sushi sitting around refrigerated as the sushi is not fresh. Both me and my partner found all 5 rolls we just ordered were DISGUSTING. The rice texture was nasty and the rolls were cold and tasteless. Do yourself a favour and eat at one of the other several amazing sushi restaurants in the city. This company needs to go out of business serving garbage like that! This is disgraceful but I’d rather take FAIRWAY market’s to go sushi and that says a lot!!!

  • Ely Emadirad

    Ely Emadirad


    Delicious food, great price. (Teriyaki meal with tofu)

  • Kara Buttree

    Kara Buttree


    The tempura was perfect. Staff was fast, polite, and friendly. Thats all that I ate today, so review solely based on that. 1 star off because only 2 prawns and no carrot, no bean, no onion, just 2pcs each of yam, green pepper, broccoli, and prawns. Should have had 2 more pcs IMO for $10. No real complaints otherwise.

  • Cedar Wood

    Cedar Wood


    Good food awesome tempura. Fast friendly service I would say best tempura in the city.

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