Pizza Hut de Thunder Bay

CanadaPizza Hut



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807, Red River Road, P7B 1K3, Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 807-767-8848
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4445039, Longitude: -89.2480881

commentaires 5

  • Meat Popsicle

    Meat Popsicle


    A $3.99 delivery fee is not cool. I feel like an a$$ not tiping but ive basically already tipped four dollars without having a choice. Im not giving an extra five dollars of my money away. I believe the tips are tip pooled which i dont agree with. I woukd like to see the franchise change this practice.

  • Justin Tilley

    Justin Tilley


    Getting sick and tired of my order being late when delivering! Learn how to obey your deadlines.

  • Danielle Andreason

    Danielle Andreason


    super disappointed paid almost 30$ for a large pizza with 2 toppings and the cheese was burnt and the mushrooms were crispy. but yhe boneless Sault and pepper wings were good..

  • kaileen&keira Channel

    kaileen&keira Channel


    This would be my second time I've ordered from here the first one,my order took 1hr 15mins. I called the reason they said that ther was no answer @ my hotel room. so I thought OK well maybe it won't happen again, second time nothing showed up.tryed calling but closed,i ordered @11:00 they close at 12. Im never ordering from pizza hut again until they give me a Free order of what I ordered.

  • Mark Bailey

    Mark Bailey


    I ordered wings for take out but when I tried to pay with credit card it would not let me pay without entering a tip. Plus staff was not that friendly.

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