Golden Bakery & Pizza de Thunder Bay

CanadaGolden Bakery & Pizza



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Lundiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mardiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mercrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Jeudiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Vendrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Samediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Dimancheouvert 24 heures sur 24
1500, James Street South, P7E 6J2, Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 807-475-5688
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.3646177, Longitude: -89.288929

commentaires 5

  • Rosemarie Sitch

    Rosemarie Sitch


    Golden Bakery has the most delicious pizza! And I regularly pick up bread and rolls, fabulous! Staff is always friendly and welcoming!

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    Alexander Blady


    WHEN MUNCHIES HIT CALL THESE GUYS Best Pizza in Westfort, possibly all of Thunder Bay, they have awesome walk-in specials - delicious and you can't beat 2 Faaat slices and a pop for $5. Plus an added bonus they're open 24/7 and are always able to deliver. Great Pizza, Great service, Can't be beat. Try it and you'll understand why it's called the Golden Bakery

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    mitchell marak


    Great local pizza place i go there all the time! All my family and friends say great things. anytime i walk in im treated with the same great customer service!! Thanks for making the best pizza in westfort!

  • Jesse Cambly

    Jesse Cambly


    Not that great tasting Only thing they have going for them is it's fairly cheap and 24/7 Last time I got it for delivery though the debit machine stopped working and freezing, the driver then asked me to join him in his car where he just opened the machine, swearing at it, take the battery out and, continue swearing at it, then tells me he'll give me the pizza if I go to the shop tomorrow because the machine wasn't working still. He then said I make sure I go back because he doesn't want to drive over here again (I'm only 2km away) So because their machine wasn't working I had to go there on my time and pay, no compensation for my time being wasted or the horrible behavior I may have been a usual but I am not ordering from there again

  • Nima Shahi

    Nima Shahi


    Normally I don't post reviews but I felt the need to post how amazing this pizza is. I always got every topping on the pizza - their dough is amazingly well made. Their owner (Angelo) is a fantastic owner. The one and only time I EVER had a negative experience at this place was with one of the managers there for which I don't know his name. There was a minor dispute over the length of time it took to deliver the pizza (roughly 2 hours) and him not having a debit/ credit machine despite me letting them know that I wanted to pay with credit. The manager then started freaking out at me - I reported the incident and in the morning Angelo hand delivered me a free pizza. This is excellent customer service. 100% recommend this place to anybody looking for homemade pizza in Thunder Bay.

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