Pizza Hut de Thunder Bay

CanadaPizza Hut



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635, Arthur Street West, P7E 5R6, Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 807-767-8848
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.3812018, Longitude: -89.2971666

commentaires 5

  • Richard Cooper

    Richard Cooper


    Gave this place a couple of tries, nothing but terrible service here. Can not reccomend. Also more expensive than most other pizza places in town.

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    Paul Johnson


    Amazing customer service nice place to relax and eat good pizza

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    ken fowler


    Great service not shurr y more people don't go hear it's clean and always have specials on

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    John Wood


    Thought I'd give the hut a chance, decided to cancel my order. Hit cancel. Called and tried to explain this to the on-duty manager Nicole my issue, told me next time that I have to check my email and call to ensure an order is cancelled, because the online function doesn't actually stop the order. Told her there wouldn't be a next time if this is the case, and she was perfectly okay with that. Do not use the online order function if you're pricing/unsure. Do not expect customer service. People over at Domino's are super nice though, golden bakery, gino's, etc.

  • Scott Pantera

    Scott Pantera


    For a restaurant with the name "pizza" in it, it is pretty awful. Back in high school I'd go to Pizza Hut and it would always hit the spot. Whatever PH has become is way too over priced for the quality like it is. The pizza is like a fluffy pillow now. Why would i get delivery from here for 24 bucks when I can get the same pizza for better quality at 16-20 bucks? Lower the price of your food or make good pizza. Good boneless wings tho, I'll give you that.

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