Dwell Living de Vancouver

CanadaDwell Living



🕗 horaire

101-1290, Homer Street, V6B 2Y5, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 604-893-7773
site web: www.dwelliving.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.2740964, Longitude: -123.1243719

commentaires 5

  • en

    P.Z. Chiu


    I was very pleased to hired Dwell Living to help me realize my design dreams. This was the first time I hired an interior design company to design my home. The creative director, Shannon, has a great taste when it comes to 21st century art and design. My first impression of her was her warm personality and beautiful soft voice. I was impressed when I visited their showroom by how they pull off having a variety of different design styles and art together into one space, achieving a timeless, elegant and fun atmosphere. The showroom looks like it belongs in a gallery to me. The most fun part was when I sat down with Shannon to discuss what style, material and furniture I would like to have in my apartment as well as a few small renovation projects. Overall, I would say Shannon's design is one of the kind.

  • Mike Llewellyn

    Mike Llewellyn


    I walked into the Dwell store on a whim, and after chatting with them about my design options, I ended up doing an almost total redo of my place! I'm glad that I did. I work a lot, so I didn't even realize how outdated my place was looking until I stepped back and really talked about it with an outside eye. Great team to work with and I was very happy with the results.

  • Shawn Akoye

    Shawn Akoye


    I rarely write reviews, but I wanted to commend the dwell living staff for an excellent experience and a job very well done. I am so happy with the results, and more importantly, my wife is as well. Thank you!

  • Robert Lange

    Robert Lange


    Simply awesome. Great people to work with. I'm not very artsy, and my place was pretty dull. But now I feel like it has character and life. The facelift on my condo was definitely overdue and the dwell crew did a great job. Thanks!

  • Tamiko Kobayashi

    Tamiko Kobayashi


    The Dwell team did a very comprehensive job of my renovation. They were easy to work with and offered me many options to choose from. Overall this was an excellent experience for me. I would definitely recommend them.

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