Panago Pizza de Victoria

CanadaPanago Pizza



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1249, Esquimalt Road, V9A 3P2, Victoria, Capital, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 866-310-0001
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4299231, Longitude: -123.4156383

commentaires 5

  • Barbara Soutar

    Barbara Soutar


    We always order the Primo Pesto, it is delicious. Quick service, and we pick it up as we live nearby. Best pizza in Esquimalt.

  • Bob Fuchs

    Bob Fuchs


    Cleanest best pizza place in Equimalt

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    Pat Peterson


    I was there renovating it so it'll have a bright new look

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    Great service. Would eat again

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    Pizza was ok but the ordering process was a bit of a nightmare. Live less than a kilometre from the nearest Panago location but it's late and we're tired so we opted for delivery. Kid who answered couldn't figure out which location was closest in spite of having our address. Kept saying we were in the next town over even though there is no street with the name we gave over there. Then would forget what we ordered and would ask again. I mean come on. It's one pizza! You're sitting in front of a computer you can type this information into! It can't be that hard! In the end we were so frustrated we cancelled delivery and just picked it up. Took less time than trying to explain our order to a dimwit employee. Icing on the cake: I asked the guy at the till how I would go about lodging a complaint about the ordering experience and his exact words were, " I don't know, I've never ordered from Panago," then turned his back on me and walked away. First and last time ordering from Panago. The pizza wasn't good enough to cancel out the experience.

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