Milestones Grill and Bar i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaMilestones Grill and Bar



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700, Sussex Drive, K1N 1K4, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-789-5432
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Latitude: 45.4256147, Longitude: -75.6941707

kommentar 5

  • Yasmin A

    Yasmin A


    The waiters were very nice but the greeters were not the best we even had to find our own table and got weird looks instead of being led to a table. Desserts were good and filling but food was just ok. We only went there for the setting and the view on a nice Friday night.

  • ru

    Ирина Эпельбейм


    еда хорошая, обслуживание нет. мы не получали посуду, пока не спросили. было неловко есть еду и неспособно есть. поэтому мы забрали сервер для посуды, а затем за счет. официант был похож на то, чтобы заставить нас служить. больше не будет посещать.

  • en

    Daniel St-Jean


    My wife and I travel a the last 15 months we were in France, Spain, Portugal, Argentina, Uruguay and Chile...not to include all the trips in between that my wife took into the we eat in restaurants a LOT...and we can recognize great food and especially great service when we experience either. Last night we ate at this restaurant as we have done dozens of time in the past before we attend an event at the NAC, and as usual the food was awesome. But what made the dinner extra special was the service we received from Heidi. It's too bad I can only give last night's dinner experience 5 stars because honestly, Heidi's service deserved 6 stars. It was textbook customer service...something you don't get to enjoy too often these days. So, the next time you book a table at this restaurant, ask to be served by will make a great experience awesome. Thanks Heidi!

  • en

    Joseph DiDanieli


    Dined there on March 16. Not a good experience for my Vegan daughter. They couldn't get a simple basic pasta dish with just tomato sauce right. The first attempt had cheese while the second try had chicken. Our server was most gracious and comped her meal. Clearly the kitchen staff doesn't understand the meaning of Vegan. Sad for such a high profile location in Ottawa.

  • Nariman Mani

    Nariman Mani


    Good atmosphere and nice staff. The food was great and served in reasonable amount of time. Asked for medium cooked steak which was served well done! Nice kids menu and the restaurant is kids friendly. The free internet was so so slow and not practical to use at all. It was nice to know they serve craft beers from locals such mill street organic.

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