The Smoque Shack i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaThe Smoque Shack



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129, York Street, K1N 5T4, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canadá
kontakter telefon: +1 613-789-4245
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4295412, Longitude: -75.6903103

kommentar 5

  • George Adaimy

    George Adaimy


    Awesome IPA BEER with the Most amazing homemade smoked meat!!! The poutine is Amazing!!!! Especially with the pulled pork on top and the home made beer sauce!!! Just drooling while talking about it!! Worth every penny and great portions even though u might think that u can eat it all... but you will be surprised how filling it is! Enjoy!

  • Siam Rahman

    Siam Rahman


    Their beef brisket is the best I've had in Ottawa so far. Also love their chicken and waffles. And the cornbread with the jalapeno butter is awesome.

  • en

    Alyce Willcourt


    The food more than makes up for the bland service. Absolutely worth a trip over. The brisket is amazing. The pulled pork is delicious, the Mac and cheese always has me coming back!

  • Sean Taffert

    Sean Taffert


    The food was good if not a little pricey.... But when the bathroom (toilet) started to leak into the bar area through one of the light fixtures..... Well, better wait for them to fix that.

  • Avril Perez

    Avril Perez


    Todo lo que pidas es abundante y el precio es accesible, y todo estaba muy rico. El personal bastante amable y el lugar tranquilo.

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