Beckta Dining & Wine i Ottawa

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CanadaBeckta Dining & Wine



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150, Elgin Street, K2P 1L4, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-238-7063
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Latitude: 45.4204571, Longitude: -75.6928758

kommentar 5

  • Amanda Benwell

    Amanda Benwell


    Cozy and elegant dinning experience in a beautiful historic building. The food is incredible! The dishes had flavour pairings that would seem unconventional yet come together like old friends. Staff were incredibly welcoming and knowledgable about the dishes served. They mentioned that the building is haunted! I didn't encounter anything or anyone during my visit, yet it would definitely make for a unique dinning experience.

  • Brian McMorrough

    Brian McMorrough


    My fiancee and I attended Beckta for our anniversary dinner. This has been our third visit and Beckta never ceases to impress. The mood was friendly and warm, with some light jazz playing. The waiter was amicable and light hearted, making us feel welcome while not being overbearing. The food, as always, was beautiful. "Melt in your mouth" dishes with combinations of flavours that flowed together eloquently. We had stayed for two hours before we realized the time passing. I would absolutely recommend Beckta to anyone who enjoys great food, or anyone who believes a restaurant should be an experience. I will be returning.

  • en

    Stephane Therrien


    Took my wife over for our anniversary. We were both very impressed with our food. Everything was good. It is a pricey restaurant, but you do get very good service for that price. Anyway, Bill gave us a great service when we were there. We will visit again and enjoy more meals.

  • Tien Le

    Tien Le


    The set menu was delicious and the service was really attentive and great. The server told us stories and kept it very friendly but professional all at the same time. The meat was cooked very well and all the food came out wonderfully, the drinks also taste pretty good as well. This place is definitely more upscale so dressing semi formal or formal would be best.

  • Pascal Routhier

    Pascal Routhier


    When a restaurant decorates its lobby/hallway with the many distinctions it received, it better deliver. Unfortunately, I was at Beckta for lunch and the lobster risotto I had was watery and toped with a handful of salty nuts; the kind you would get for 25¢ in a distributor at a dive bar. I'm not a big fan of white linen dining (lunching) to begin with, but if you're to set up your tables with white table cloths, make sure they're not wrinkly and imprinted with glass marks from the night before. The main dish I had (clams) was great and the service outstanding, hence the four stars. I would most likely go back to have a drink at the bar located at the back of the restaurant.

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