Mikaza Home Ottawa de Ottawa

CanadaMikaza Home Ottawa



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250, City Centre Avenue, K1R 1C7, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 613-695-2782
site web: mikazahome.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4084002, Longitude: -75.7190477

commentaires 5

  • Steve S

    Steve S


    I can't say enough good about this store. Haig is down to earth and knows his product. The selection of unique item and the quality of the product is exactly why you come to this store. And after sales service is what sets this store apart from all others.

  • en

    Slim Shady


    I came to Mikaza to furnish my house because they carry a lot of products that you can't find anywhere else. I ended up practically furnishing my entire house here and I have to say everything that I bought is high quality with great style. 2loons walnut table, ItalDivani sofa, Mobican credencia, great made-in-Canada products. Delivery and installation was superb. A+++

  • Garo Feslian

    Garo Feslian


    I just moved from Amsterdam, i visited many of the furniture stores in ottawa. mikaza was the store i chose to furnish my whole house. Their products are made the same way back home and their attention to detail and design is very European.

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    Dan Clark


    My wife and I purchased an Oslo sofa from Mikaza about a year ago. We are writing the review now because our last sofa was falling apart within a year. Our Oslo is standing strong, the foam cushions still feel as it did day 1, and we only get compliments on the sofa. We’ll be back to add to our new home soon! Thanks

  • Zuhair Mezher

    Zuhair Mezher


    Delivered our bedroom set and living room on time and assembled it for us. Quality is great for price. If you buy a bunch of stuff, owner is willing to help with price. Most of what we bought is made in canada, except dining chairs and rugs.

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