Metro de Ottawa




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345, Carleton Avenue, K1Y 0K3, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 613-725-3065
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.3983978, Longitude: -75.7405124

commentaires 5

  • en

    Sunshinin sparks


    Friendly anf helpful staff. Well kept store

  • en

    Daniel Gillespie


    Nice staff, terrible hot prepared food. Got the prepared chicken breast, terribly dry, threw most if it out. Seriously could not salvage any meat, all wasted.

  • Ági VezĂ©r

    Ági Vezér


    Very nice smaller store. Accessible, free parking, fantastic customer service. Due to size, it's a bit hard to navigate with a stroller, but worth the trip. Good selection and range of products.

  • en

    Doug Kedrosky


    Nice size for quick visits but still has pretty much everything you could need. Also carries a number of prepared foods for convenience.

  • en

    Alejandro Valladares


    That's is the smallest metro store I ever 👀 in the city but the store has abrything you may need about grocery you also find hot food ready to eat also have staff on sell like any metro stores around the city good place for quick shop

Supermarché la plus proche

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